
619 Lafayette Rd N
Suite 311
St. Paul, MN 55130

Office: 612-299-1990

Fax:  612-299-1991

Call Us:

24-Hr Emergency: 612.839.6856

Our Staff

At this time the Minnesota Emergency Disability Services is an all volunteer staff, including our Active Executive Director, Jeremy Rogness.


Jeremy J. Rogness
Acting Executive Director / Board Chair

Due to a car accident and being born with a diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy Spastic Quad, Jeremy is confined to a wheelchair.  Even with these challenges he completed Air Force JROTC, participated in Kaplan University’s online criminal justice program, and is certified as an emergency manager through FEMA’s independent study program.  He also completed two years of aviation training.

Mr. Rogness has acted as the Executive Director of the Minnesota Emergency Communications Team since its inception in February of 2007.  A large part Jeremy’s technical ability comes from working in medical electronics. It is this background that would later serve him well when inventing useful products for his own motorized assistive device. This laid the groundwork for the Minnesota Emergency Disability Services’s Mobility Awareness Safety System, a program designed to keep mobility devices, scooters and wheelchairs safe as they move throughout their communities. 

Mr. Rogness has also worked in the medical supply and equipment field where he gained experience in business management, inventory management, and medical claims billing.

It was during Jeremy’s time in JROTC that laid the foundation for his beliefs and attitudes regarding leadership, volunteerism, and community.

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Scott Latessa
Volunteer Team Lead


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Board Members

Jeremy J. Rogness (Executive Director/Board Chair/Treasurer)

Jann Martin (Secretary)

Steven Edelstein (Member)

Dick Edwards (Member)

Angel Stafsholdt Edwards